iphone - Android Offline Webapp Resources -

i made offline card game webapp iphone , android when doing this, went entirely off of abundant iphone offline webapp information on web. however, seems work on android 1 exception. when open after killing web connection, states error not being able connect. after canceling, works fine.

my question this: has found decent resources regarding android offline web apps? or hack? ios devices seems support in more intuitive way.

update: had forgotten issue posted about. seems have been resolved while. think may have been fixed in android 2.1. seemed have not noticed there no error message. however, still not run html 5 webapps cleanly ios in nav bar still present when running desktop bookmark.

after messing stuff bit, iphone/ios stuff seems work fine. might because android browser webkit based. whatever reason, file manifest respected

bottom line, iphone html5 mobile app documentation seems work fine android.

here's quick example runs on both:


here rules:



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