java - Is it possible to have destination view name configurable in spring mvc 3? -

code snippet this:

@controller @requestmapping(value="/test") public class testcontroller { ........             @requestmapping(method=requestmethod.get)     public string getcreateform(model model) {         model.addattribute(new accountbean());         return "newtest";     } ......... 

"newtest" hard-coded view name. possible have configured in xml-style spring config file? thank you!

i guess real question how configure properties of autodiscovered bean via xml.

you can defining <bean> same name autodiscovered 1 have (when name of autodiscovered bean not specified, it's assumed classname first letter decapitalized):

@controller  @requestmapping(value="/test")  public class testcontroller {      private string viewname = "newtest";      public void setviewname(string viewname) {         this.viewname = viewname;     }      @requestmapping(method=requestmethod.get)      public string getcreateform(model model) {          model.addattribute(new accountbean());          return viewname;      }  } 


<bean id = "testcontroller" class = "testcontroller">     <property name = "viewname" value = "oldtest" /> </bean> 

another option use @value spel expressions

@value("#{testviewname}") private string viewname; 


<bean id = "testviewname" class = "java.lang.string">     <constructor-arg value = "oldtest" /> </bean> 

or property placeholders

@value("${testviewname}") private string viewname; 


<context:property-placeholder location = "viewnames" />



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