ruby on rails - Anyone else experiencing aws-s3 timeout problems when looking for nonexistant keys? S3Object.exist? and S3Object.request(:head, ..) -

has been having problems aws-s3's s3object.exists?, or s3object.request(:head, ...) timing out when passed keys not exist? (i'm running aws-s3 0.6.2, ruby 1.9.2). using s3object.find('thenonexistantkey', bucket) raises nosuchkey exception expected. issue on amazon's side?

aws-s3 gem not set timeout reasonable values

you can monkeypatching create_connection method

create file config/initializers/aws_s3_connection_monkey_patch.rb:

# sets timeouts appropriate values s3 module aws   module s3     class connection #:nodoc:       private       def create_connection_with_timeout_settings         http = create_connection_without_timeout_settings         http.open_timeout = 1         http.read_timeout = 5         http       end       alias_method_chain :create_connection, :timeout_settings     end   end end 


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