ruby - Forwarding requests UDPSocket -

i have basic ruby program, listens on port (53), receives data , sends location (google dns server - responses not going original destination, or i'm not forwarding them correctly.

here code. nb i'm using eventmachine

require 'rubygems' require 'eventmachine'  module dnsserver     def post_init         puts 'connected'     end      def receive_data(data)         # forward data         conn =         conn.connect '', 53         conn.send data, 0         conn.close          p data.unpack("h*")     end      def unbind         puts 'disconnected'     end end     em.open_datagram_socket '', 53, dnsserver end 

any thoughts why or tips debug, appreciated.

the obvious problems are:

  1. udp comms connectionless, use 4 argument version of send instead of connect
  2. you're not receiving data socket talking
  3. you're not sending data (#send_data) original client

this seems work:

require 'socket' require 'rubygems' require 'eventmachine'  module dnsserver     def receive_data(data)         # forward data         conn =         conn.send data, 0, '', 53         send_data conn.recv 4096     end end     em.open_datagram_socket '', 53, dnsserver end 


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