Using NHibernate to report a table with two sums -
i have 3 tables: people, purchases, payments 1-to-many relationships between people , purchases, , people , payments.
i want generate report of people showing sum of purchases , payments.
i can generate report people showing sum of payments or purchases, vis:
var query = detachedcriteria.for<people>("people") .createalias("payments", "paymentsmade"); query.setprojection(projections.projectionlist() .add(projections.groupproperty("id"), "id") .add(projections.sum("paymentsmade.amount"), "totalpayments")
can in single query in nhibernate? either using criteria api (preferred) or hql.
try this:
var query = @"select (select sum(pu.amount) purchase pu =, (select sum(pa.amount) payments pa = people ppl"; var results = session .createquery(query) .list();
or perhaps using ad-hoc mapping:
public class bulkreport { public double purchases { get; set; } public double payments { get; set; } } var results = session .createquery(query) .setresulttransformer(transformers.aliastobean(typeof(bulkreport))) .list<bulkreport>();
another option using multiqueries.
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