c++ - Increment operator/ iterator implementation -

i trying figure out couple of things here:

  1. how write increment operator node class has pointer next node?
  2. how implement iterators class below?

    #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std;  template <typename t> class node { public:     node(int i=0):val(i) {}     node*& operator++(int i=0) {return next;};      t val;     node *next; };  //================================================ int main() {      node<int> *head, *tmp1, *tmp2;      tmp1 = new node<int>(0);      head = tmp1;      (int i=1; i<10; ++i) {          tmp2 = new node<int>(i);         tmp1->next = tmp2;         tmp1 = tmp2;     }      while (head != null) {          cout << head->val << " '";         head = head->operator++(0);    //how make work ++head;?     } } 

this not example demonstrating operator overloading or iterators.

you don't implement operator++ node class; implement iterator. iterator class should separate class.

and please, don't spoil template making assumptions (since val t, constructor should accept t, not int). also, not ignore int parameter operator++ that: dummy used distinguish pre-increment implementation post-increment implementation.

template <typename t> struct node {     t val;     node *next;      node(const t& t = t()) : val(t) {} };  template <typename t> struct node_iter {     node<t>* current;     node_iter(node<t>* current): current(current) {}      const node_iter& operator++() { current = current->next; return *this; }     node_iter operator++(int) {         node_iter result = *this; ++(*this); return result;     }     t& operator*() { return current->val; } };  int main() {     // make array of nodes, , link them - no point in     // dynamic allocation such simple example.     node<int> nodes[10];     (int = 0; < 10; ++i) {         nodes[i] = node<int>(i);         nodes[i].next = (i == 9) ? nodes + + 1 : 0;     }      // supply pointer first element of array     node_iter<int> test(nodes);     // , iterate:     while (test.current) {         cout << *test++ << " ";     }     // exercise: try linking nodes in reverse order. therefore, create      // 'test' pointer last element of array, rather      // first. however, not need change while loop, because     // of how operator overload works.      // exercise: try writing last while loop loop. not use     // information number of nodes. } 

this still long, long way off providing proper data encapsulation, memory management etc. making proper linked list class not easy. that's why standard library provides one. don't reinvent wheel.


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