yui - YUI3 find current tab in TabView -

i'm using yui3 tabview component, , i'd able index of selected tab. i've been looking through api docs, can't seem find relevant way this.



"indexof" works if use "tabview.get('selection')" argument.


<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.01//en" "http://www.w3.org/tr/html4/strict.dtd"> <html>     <head>         <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">         <title>untitled document</title>     <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"         src="http://yui.yahooapis.com/3.2.0/build/yui/yui-min.js">     </script>     </head>     <body>       <body class="yui3-skin-sam">       <p id="msg"></p>     <input type='button' value='button' id='button'/>     <div id="demo">         <ul>             <li><a href="#foo">foo</a></li>             <li><a href="#bar">bar</a></li>             <li><a href="#baz">baz</a></li>         </ul>         <div>             <div id="foo">foo content</div>             <div id="bar">bar content</div>             <div id="baz">baz content</div>         </div>     </div>     <script> var yui; yui().use('event', 'node', 'tabview', function (y) {   y.one('#msg').set('innerhtml', 'message area');    var tabview = new y.tabview({srcnode: '#demo'});   tabview.render();    var displayindex = function (tabview) {     var sel = tabview.get('selection');     var idx = tabview.indexof(sel);     y.one('#msg').set('innerhtml', 'selected tab index = ' + idx);   }   displayindex(tabview);    y.after('click', function(e) {     displayindex(this);   },'body',tabview);  });     </script>     </body> </html> 


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