ios4 - Making TTLauncherView open animated items -

i'm working three20 in ios project. i've got ttlauncherview displaying few icons. however, can't see them open views in animated fashion facebook app. i've tried:

    [[ttnavigator navigator] openurlaction:[[tturlaction actionwithurlpath:@"sb://launcher"] applyanimated:yes]]; 


    [[ttnavigator navigator] openurlaction:[[tturlaction actionwithurlpath:url.absolutestring] applytransition:uiviewanimationtransitioncurldown]]; 

i can't find on documentation:

any help?


this should work. tried in code , curl down transition works expected. here code gets executed when user taps icon in launcher:

- (void)launcherview:(ttlauncherview*)launcher didselectitem:(ttlauncheritem*)item { [[ttnavigator navigator] openurlaction:[[[tturlaction actionwithurlpath:item.url] applytransition:uiviewanimationtransitioncurldown] applyanimated:yes] ]; 


hope helps.


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