c# - How to pass webSite parameter to SeleniumGrid instances -

i using c#, mbunit , selenium grid , need run same scripts 3 different environments dev, qa , prod. launch 3 different remote controls in selenium grid, how can pass different website url instances? need 1 instance dev site, qa , prod.

this example using testng. in unit test file / script, you'll have looks this:

public class logintest {     private static final hub_url = "http://thegridhubserver/wd/hub";      @parameters({ "appurl" })     public void logintest(@optional("http://thetestserver/login/") final string appurl) {      // ... create remotewebdriver object / connections / capabilities here , execute test } 

to execute them in parallel, you'll need configure testng xml configuration file this:

<suite name="login test suite" parallel="tests" verbose="1" thread-count="8">      <test name="dev">         <parameter name="appurl" value="http://thedevserver/login"></parameter>         <classes>             <class name="package.to.your.test.class.logintest" />         </classes>     </test>       <test name="qa">         <parameter name="appurl" value="http://thetestserver/login"></parameter>         <classes>             <class name="package.to.your.test.class.logintest" />         </classes>     </test>     </test>       <test name="prod">         <parameter name="appurl" value="http://theprodserver/login"></parameter>         <classes>             <class name="package.to.your.test.class.logintest" />         </classes>     </test> </suite> 

then run xml file testng test, , assuming have @ least 3 webdriver client nodes capabilities match defined webdriver, these 3 tests sent hub, send them out in parallel client nodes, use different url each test execution.

hope helps!


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