java - Intent Filter for Viewing Web Pages -

on this page of android development, -at step 6- :

instead of adding intent filter view web pages, can override webviewclient class , enable activity handle own url requests.

but learn how intent-filters well.

i have webview widget , button widget on default activity , when user clicks on button, webview loads page - pretty simple. mentioned in step-6, need enable activity so.

can show me intent-filter same things here webviewclient - overriding shouldoverrideurlloading(webview view, string url) method.

thanks in advance.

but learn how intent-filters well.

this same thing previous question, asked minutes before yours, though might not seem on surface.

you can advertise, via properly-constructed <data> element in <intent-filter>, can view documents text/html. however, user prompted every link web page click on anywhere on phone (plus redirects).


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