opengl - How can I find missing glPopMatrix() in Visual Studio -

i have theory according bugs i'm experiencing due glpushmatrix() beign used without matching glpopmatrix(). project rather big able find these missing glpopmatrix() easily. thought of using search using regular expression, can't seem find out how find want (plus, regexp in visual studio isn't same i'm used (php) i'm bit lost. anyways, ideas on how this?

you can verify theory checking if glgeterror() returns gl_stack_overflow @ point.

to find missing references, cannot think of better run full-text search on project glpushmatrix , try find corresponding glpopmatrix every 1 of them.

or there's 1 more solution:

you can use opengl debugger glintercept (which comes in form of altered opengl32.dll file , dumps lot of useful information, including opengl commands executed (there can flat log or single-frame log of them). can give view on went wrong , when.


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