xsd - Does XML care about the order of elements? -

xml confuses me sometimes, i'm trying figured out. vendor telling me doesn't make sense again, xml , don't along :)

i have xml i'm sending vendor's web service giving me random failures:

<root>     <request>         <driver id="1" vehid="1">...</driver>         <driver id="2" vehid="1">...</driver>         <driver id="3" vehid="2">...</driver>         <vehicle id="1">...</vehicle>         <vehicle id="2">...</vehicle>         <driver id="4" vehid="2">...</driver>     </request> </root> 

there no xslt or xsd compare against see if xml valid.

the vendor states xml invalid because driver #4 in wrong area. xpath driver should root/request/driver , vehicle root/request/vehicle.

is common xml parsers force element order, if there no xsd compare xml to? vendor's support slow me, want know common practice is.


i complained enough our account rep not being able test (and made sound trying support money) turns out developers have xsd, support doesn't. had been talking wrong group *facepalm*

i got xsd, , enforce specific order of elements.

now fight them in regards own sample xml doesn't follow schema, @ least have test against.

if there no xsd (xml schema) @ hand, can check whether or not xml formed.

in case - is. there no overlapping xml tags, no xml tag left open or of sort.

if vendor needs enforce things order inside xml, ought provide xsd file - otherwise, "requirements" cannot validated , checked....


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