c++ - Remote Automated Build System -

i electrical engineer start grad school com sci. work in defense industry , result services , websites blocked here. i'm trying come solution allow me homework/projects while @ work since give 2 hours day on clock school work if attending grad school. don't have necessary software tools on work computer nor able it. setup build system on ubuntu box , best solution think of use email , possibly ftpmail automate build process , email me errors compiler may return.

has ever done before or know of software package implements solution.

i'd suggest on web-based virtual machine/desktop tools. i've seen in wild icloud , eyeos.

also, since installing software no-no, might want check linux live-cds. can pre-configure disc necessary tools (scm, ide, etc.) , boot computer live disk during 2 hours. of course, won't give hard drive save stuff, can commit whatever have before 2 hours expires.

edit: whatever do, solution approved superior(s) before attempt it.


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