linq - Using an SPMetal entity class -

i'm executing code below information page via linq. works fine, how convert , using entity class generated spmetal command?

guid siteguid =; using (spsite site = new spsite(siteguid)) {     using (spweb web = site.openweb())     {         splist lespages = web.lists["pages"];          var resultat = splistitem page                        in lespages.items              "pagenews") && page.moderationinformation.status.equals(spmoderationstatustype.approved)                        select page;          foreach (splistitem r in resultat)         {             contenu += "_moderationstatus: " + r["_moderationstatus"] + "<br>";             contenu += "fileleafref: " + r["fileleafref"] + "<br>";             contenu += "publishingpagecontent: " + r["publishingpagecontent"] + "<br>";             contenu += "contenttype: " + r["contenttype"] + "<br>";             contenu += "categorie: " + r["categorie"] + "<br>";         }         panelresultat.controls.add(new literalcontrol(contenu));     } } 

use following links

1.sp metal code

2. spmetal tutorial


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