Pulling in photos via Facebook Graph API -

i'm trying pull in tagged photos of current logged in profile. got session id appears it's empty array.

<?php  $photos = $facebook->api('me/photos'); $number_of_photos = count($photos[data]); ?>  <?php ($i=0; $i < $number_of_photos; $i++) :?> <img src="https://graph.facebook.com/me/photos/<?php echo $photos[data][$i][url]; ?>"/> <?php endfor; ?> 

i'm aware code awful, i'm new php , trying few things.

as stated documentation available here (scroll down 'connections'), in order user's photos must have explicitly given 1 of following permissions:

  • user_photo_video_tags
  • friend_photo_video_tags
  • user_photos
  • friend_photos permissions


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