controls - What is the output of SSCheck.Value in VB6? -

i have third party control sscheck found not supporting in project. maybe dll or ocx corrupt or deleted. didn't exact cause of problem. question is:

which built-in control can used replace sscheck control? maybe answer checkbox. if checkbox answer, please suggest me output sscheck.value can adjust code accordingly.

the sscheck control checkbox intended replacement or enhancement standard checkbox control in vb6 toolbox. provided part of sheridan sscontrols threed32.ocx, no longer supported. assume why you're running problems it.

you're correct in thinking best solution replace these third party controls in application standard controls. particularly in case of sscheck, should straightforward, drop-in replacement.

the value property of sscheck control boolean type, meaning takes either "true" or "false" indicators of checked state. however, value property of standard checkbox control takes 1 of following integer values:

0    (vbunchecked)
1    (vbchecked)
2    (vbgrayed)

which can set either @ run-time in code (in case, it's preferred use provided vb constants), or @ design-time in properties window.

so thing you'll have make sure change anywhere in code set sscheck.value use integer (or 1 of pre-defined constants) value, rather boolean value. example, instead of this:

sscheck1.value = true sscheck2.value = false 

you have this:

regularcheck1.value = vbchecked regularcheck2.value = vbunchecked 

you notice standard checkbox control looks little bit different sscheck when checked. sscheck draws check little x, unlike standard windows controls, use actual checkmark:

comparison sample of 2 checkbox controls


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