Tapestry5 Grid pagination not working in a Tapestry Loop -

currently working on report generation. facing issue pagination using tapestry grid component.

for given date search criteria (1-nov-2010 2-nov-2010). using tapestry “loop” component iterate on date range list, internally contains list of transactions per day being displayed using grid component.

here grid component configured “rowsperpage=5” pagination.

• assume 1-nov-2010, there 11 rows, i.e., displays [1, 2 , 3] pagination links. here pagination works expected.

• 2-nov-2010, there 21 rows, i.e., displays [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] pagination links. here on click of pagination link 4 , 5, doesn’t list out next set of rows.

in initial investigation observed first grid pagination takes precedence on other grids pagination.

would know, if there other configuration available resolve issue or there any other approach/solution there overcome problem.

<t:loop source="reports" value="report" encoder="reportencoder">     <t:grid source="report.reportobjects" row="reportobject" lean="true" inplace="false" rowsperpage="5" pagerposition="bottom" class="decora" include="name", "age", "country", "city">         <t:parameter name="namecell">${name}</t:parameter>         <t:parameter name="countrycell">${country}</t:parameter>         <t:parameter name="citycell">${city}</t:parameter>     </t:grid> </t:loop> 

maybe link http://markmail.org/thread/et3r4wfg3cj557je can you.


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