vba - Creating an array of arrays of data objects? -

i have data object

i have arrays of these data objects

i want put these arrays of data objects array

dim arrayofdataobjects1(10) new dataobject dim arrayofdataobjects2(10) new dataobject dim arrayofdataobjects3(10) new dataobject  'now, want put of these array, how can i? 


edit: know need create array size 3, type define array as?

if not concerned type-safety, use variant. example in excel vba:

sub a() dim arrayofdataobjects1(10) worksheet dim arrayofdataobjects2(10) worksheet dim arrayofdataobjects3(10) worksheet  dim arr(3) variant  set arrayofdataobjects1(1) = activesheet  arr(1) = arrayofdataobjects1  arr(2) = arrayofdataobjects2  arr(3) = arrayofdataobjects3  msgbox arr(1)(1).name  end sub 


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