how can i suppress all compiler and code analysis warnings from msbuild at the command line? -

this has been asked, wasn't answered. answer (use /warn:1) doesn't work msbuild.exe, csc.exe. perhaps i'm missing between csc , msbuild?

i'd suppress compiler warnings , code analysis warnings (e.g. "the variable 'variablenamehere' assigned value ..." or code analysis warning : ca1805 : microsoft.performance : ...) when i'm using command line msbuild. don't want alter solution file. there several hundred warning messages in large solution i'm building -- fixing them far out of scope project.

i tried /v:quiet didn't work.

is there way via command line?

update: this:

c:\windows\\framework\v3.5\msbuild.exe c:\dev\reallybigsolution.sln /p:nowarn=true /p:nowarn=ca1031

absolutely doesn't work. still hundreds of warnings, including 1 blocked (ca1031).

using /p:runcodeanalysis=never or /p:runcodeanalysis=false apparently doesn't suppress code analysis warnings or errors.

can use nowarn flag on compiler, corresponds <nowarn> property in .csproj file. maybe msbuild /p:nowarn="37;68" turn off warning numbers (haven't tried it).

or use

to turn off warnings altogether. don't know property name offhand, try /p:warn=0.

edit: read comments toward end; seems getting rid of these warnings isn't possible.


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