Which PHP frameworks can handle large scale applications? -

many conversations on frameworks tend discuss ease of use , speed of development. these issues important tend come developers creating new low traffic projects on , on different clients. important in situation able knock out solid solution client in little time possible. myself have operated in area many years , have used many mvc frameworks successes.

but when working on single high traffic application several years? ease of use , speed of development start take seat scalability , speed. doesn't matter how easy use or how fast can write code if application won't function because of speed , scale.

my question large scale developers out there is, frameworks still useful in situation , if have been used in large scale production situations?

common frameworks: zend, symphony, codeignitor, cakephp

when comes large applications, it's not framework should concerned about, it's database.

first decide database going use, framework has support database. if want app scale unlimited size , still fast, should eliminate mysql option right start.

look nosql solution, find 1 like. cassandra, mongodb, couchdb top 3 choices, there others. of these new, of biggest sites in internet using them. research, choose database, choose framework.

i don't know of frameworks, looked @ zend , symphony2, both support mongodb, both pretty fast. @ either 1 of these 2, no reason anywhere else.

but really, if plan on writing large application should write own code , don't use frameworks. way have functions need , none of functions don't need. remember frameworks offer lot more functionality need. unnecessary functionality slows down app. if want fast app, has lean, need , nothing else.


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