MVC DataAnnotations -

please ask if can't understand i'm asking.

i have created custom validateattribute viewmodel

i created validate properties depend property of viewmodel

if (user checked "01" or "09" qruplist)

  1. company name needed
  2. name,surname , lastname not needed


  1. company name not needed
  2. name,surname , lastname needed

i have viewmodel below

[validateforgroupattribute("group", "companyname")] public partial class abonentviewmodel {           [displayname("Şirkət")]     public string companyname { get; set; }      [displayname("soyadı")]     [required(errormessage = "soyadı vacibdir")]     public string surname { get; set; }            [displayname("qrup")]     [required(errormessage = "qrup vacibdir")]     public string group{ get; set; }      public selectlist grouplist { get; set; } } 

my custom validationattribute classes:

[attributeusage(attributetargets.class, allowmultiple = true, inherited = true)] public sealed class validateforgroupattribute : validationattribute {     private const string _defaulterrormessage = "'{0}' müvafiq '{1}' daxil din";      public validateforgroupattribute(string originalproperty, string confirmpropertycompany)         : base(_defaulterrormessage)     {         originalproperty = originalproperty;         confirmpropertycompany = confirmpropertycompany;     }      public string originalproperty { get; private set; }      public override string formaterrormessage(string name)     {         return string.format(cultureinfo.currentuiculture, errormessagestring,             originalproperty, confirmpropertycompany);     }      public override bool isvalid(object value)     {         propertydescriptorcollection properties = typedescriptor.getproperties(value);         object originalvalue = properties.find(originalproperty, true).getvalue(value);         object confirmvaluecompany = properties.find(confirmpropertycompany, true).getvalue(value);          if ((string)originalvalue == "01" || (string)originalvalue == "09")             return false;         else             return true;     } } 

how do it? wrong in validationattributes?

we looked @ validation using data annotations few months back, , decided better use fluent validation, had complex business rules , logic have taken effort realise data annotations. have @ documentation, , see fluent validation makes things easy.

sorry, did not sooner: check fluent validation here

your rule like. syntax not tested, sure able figure out.

public class abonentviewmodelvalidator : abstractvalidator<abonentviewmodel> {     public abonentviewmodelvalidator() {         rulefor(model => model.companyname).notempty().when(model => ( == 1 || == 9 ));         rulefor(model => model.surname).notempty().when(model => ( != 1 || != 9 ));         rulefor(model => => ( != 1 || != 9 ));     } } 


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