c# - Why is my Button event is not occuring? -

i having issue button event not occuring

basically have cart items listed in listbox. when delete button clicked item deleted list box.

i tried debugging, seems not call method when button clicked.

in ticketscreen.xaml file specify button in template:

<datatemplate x:key="tickettemplate">     <stackpanel orientation="horizontal" horizontalalignment="left" height="50"> ...         <button name="remove" width="35" height="35"                 fontfamily="resources/#charlemagnestd-regular.otf" fontsize="24"                 click="removecartitem" grid.column="5"                 mousemove="remove_mousemove">x</button> ...     </stackpanel> </datatemplate> 

my list box following:

<listbox name="ticketitems" itemssource="{binding}"          itemtemplate="{staticresource tickettemplate}"          grid.row="3" grid.columnspan="6" background="transparent"          borderbrush="transparent" ishittestvisible="false"> </listbox> 

my method removecartitem in ticketscreen.xaml.cs:

private void removecartitem(object sender, routedeventargs e) {     console.writeline("testingcartremove"); } 

am missing obvious? thx in adv! :)

edit: there seems infront of it... maybe listbox? how make not clicking listbox, can click on things within stackpanel, contents of list box.

ishittestvisible="false" listbox disabling click event button. makes content within listbox invisible hit-test well.


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