relationship between size of project and need to use PHP framework -

what size of php project people think "i need framework this"...

take code:

<?php $dbhost = 'localhost'; $dbuser = 'root'; $dbpass = 'password'; $dbname = 'test';  $conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass)          or die("cannot connect mysql server"); mysql_select_db($dbname) or die("cannot select database"); $delete_item_id = mysql_real_escape_string($_post['id']); $result = mysql_query("delete `timesheet` id ='".$delete_item_id."'")            or die(mysql_error()); ?> 

this take 5 minutes write hand in notepad++, surely framwork overkill script!

or people use frameworks...always use frameworks?

i stand in different place people on issue.

the size of project irrelevant. size of team , future teams important.

a framework, regardless of you've been told, slow down development if quality programmer. gain framework way more important that. firstly, you'll create more maintainable code. secondly, you'll create more standardized code. lastly, you'll create more segregated code.

all of these things matter, possible exception of first one, teams.

if solo dev, , know doing, can spring core bits of frameworky doodads need quickly. can maintain personal library of classes , functions come time, , can decide need each project need it.

you right, small needs take 5 min make, should take 5 min make. take silly little genetic algo funny image generator @ little more couple database tables, directories, , 1 page. bunch of hardcore classes ga work.

how framework have made project easier or better? wouldn't have. yet reasonably complex project.

turn table. if building team , needed work on @ same time? if plan me stop working on year , 10 other people need pick left off?

then formal framework becomes vital. using standard, in case smarty or symphony, make finding new programmers work on easier.

that framework becomes requirement. team. , larger team, , more turns over, more important becomes.


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