How do you make spaces and dashes in COBOL -

i having bit of trouble cobol homework. have make program writes out names of people , social security numbers. have toy make number 123456789 show 123-45-6789 , name jsdoe show j s doe. can me out?

you should like.

01 toynumber pic 9(9).  01 yournumber.    03 pic x(3).    03 b pic x(2).    03 c pic x(4).  01 outnumber.    03 a1     pic x(3).    03 filler pic x    value "-".    03 b1     pic x(2).    03 filler pic x    value "-".    03 c1     pic x(4).       

and in procedure:

   move 123456789 toynumber.    ....    move toynumber yournumber.    move a1.    move b b1.    move c c1.     display outnumber.   

or may use "move corresponding" if allowed in homework.

hope help!

ps: trick name same ...


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