Advanced Database Server: Hot replace of the .NET Advantage Extended Procedures -

i have several advantage extended procedures written in .net , running on advanced database server. right after make first call sp, .net assembly becomes locked. need update assembly new version. way moment have found - restart of ads. absolutely uncomfortable. there other way unlock assembly?

the easiest way test/debug advantage extended procedure (aep) use advantage local server (als) loaded each time run test application , unloaded when test application terminated.

when using advantage database server (ads) must ensure clients using stored procedure disconnected. advantage keeps dll in memory until connections have used stored procedure closed. if terminate test application abnormally server not know application has closed. connection cleaned server if client not respond within client timeout setting, defaulted 2 minutes.

you can start ads executable using /exe switch part of debugging. can automatically start , stop ads when debugging aep. however, need start test application separately when using method.

additionally should disable dll caching calling ads_dd_disable_dll_caching system procedure prior debugging aeps. default ads makes copy of dll containing stored procedure(s) , checks newer versions when dll accessed. disabling feature ensures using latest version of dll.


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