multithreading - Monitoring C# Threads - Which does what/when -

as everybody, used debugging code in vs in step-by-step mode. well, have application many background workers everywhere, not in kansas anymore.

what efficient way debug threaded applications , able monitor each , every thread keep track of what's happening on code?

as of now, stick ol' debugging using separate logger instances each thread, becoming nightmare , i'll drowning own logs.

don't try debug @ once. narrow focus particular behavior in 1 thread or pair of threads interact around mutex lock. if accessing shared resource problem, set breakpoints around use of resource (which should in common code, not on place).

if want see thread 3 completed before thread 1, or thread 2 used work items , sitting idle, use logs that.

you can use vs threads view see each thread doing whenever process stopped @ breakpoint on thread. can give insight threads doing @ given instant.


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