iphone - decoding problem uiwebview -

i using uiwebview in application. there links when user clicks http search starts. works fine have problems while getting "%58 den ysnky'ye tepki" given "x'den ysnky'ye tepki". has problems % char.


decoded identifier:x'den ysnky'ye tepki

i using stringbyreplacingpercentescapesusingencoding:nsutf8stringencoding decode string that;

nslog(@"identifier:%@", identifier); identifier = [identifier stringbyreplacingpercentescapesusingencoding:nsutf8stringencoding]; nslog(@"decoded identifier:%@", identifier);

how can correct string? thanks...

it looks string may not encoded in first place. %58 correct encoding letter “x” (see ascii table). far can tell, therefore, decode behaving properly.

what expecting?


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