objective c - Added 2 imageview on 3rd imageview now want to convert the 3rd imageviews image into an actual image -

hi having 3 image views , on 1 button touch have added images 3rd image view done this

     -(void) loadview {  [super loadview];  [self.view addsubview:wormimage];  [self.view addsubview:appleimage];  [self.view addsubview:finalimage];  [self.view addsubview:savebutton];  [self.view addsubview:btn];  [appleimage addsubview:wormimage];  }

and button touch method

 -(void) addimage {  [finalimage addsubview:appleimage]; }  

now want know 3rd imageview contains 2 image view (appleimage , worm image) dont know how can converted entire image itself, has used in order that, final output on button touch must image, extension of image doesn't matter. wana know how can convert entire view image , save them gallery of iphone.

please me

try this:


//draw view wanted

uiimage *image = uigraphicsgetimagefromcurrentimagecontext()



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