iphone - Maps page curl button custom implementation highlighted -

i've been trying same maps app icon map options no success. trying make map curl button in right corner of uitoolbar. couldn't button comes in sdk follow colouring had create own similar looking button.

to add tool bar create custom button image uicontrolstatenormal, create uibarbuttonitem customview pageflip button.

this works fine need keep highlighted when user touches (and return normal after user finished). when user touches become shaded i've tried setting [button setselected:yes]; , no dice. i've tried setting different states of button current image doesn't work either. assume create highlighted image button set thats lot of time seems simple.

any thoughts try?

to make uibarbuttonitem blue, must have "done" style. cant change style of button @ run-time alternative left replace contents of toolbar new buttons. fortunately, can specify must animated.

i know you're thinking. it's pretty bad.


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