java - Question about Signing Application for Android -

i got question singing applications in android.

i worked on update app dat made , put in market before. signed , tried upload update said keystore different.

i emailed original developer , signed me. asked if had send him each time wanted upload update.

this got him:

it's not first time i've done , know sure works . apk give me must unsigned , sign , you're developers market . after not need keystore again . maybe things changed since last time did , in order know happening need know details .

this unsigned apk ? other 1 uploaded on market ? did encountered error .... message . attached can find signed apk .

is true? if upload signed apk gave me, can use different keystore next update?

no, person you're interacting wrong. need sign new apk each time want upload update , each time keystore should same, otherwise market treats other person.


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