Export Oracle Table Data by DBMS_XMLGEN -> How to Import? -

i can easy export table data using dbms_xmlgen. there package reimport xml?

create table foo(   id number  ,text varchar2(30) ) /  insert foo values (1,'hello'); insert foo values (2,'world');  declare   l_foo_xml clob; begin   l_foo_xml := dbms_xmlgen.getxml('select * foo');   delete foo;   --- ???? insert xml foo ??? end; / 

thanks christian

have looked @ dbms_xmlsave?

the oracle documentation doesn't give examples of it's use, quick google show you.

here based on example. (which inspired information here)

create table foo(   id number  ,text varchar2(30) )  create or replace procedure p(p_xml in clob,                                p_table_name in varchar2)     l_context    dbms_xmlsave.ctxtype;    l_rows    number;  begin    l_context := dbms_xmlsave.newcontext(p_table_name);     l_rows := dbms_xmlsave.insertxml(l_context,                                    p_xml);     dbms_xmlsave.closecontext(l_context);   end; / 

call procedure p sample xml

declare   l_xml clob; begin   l_xml := '<rowset>                 <row num="1">                 <id>123</id>                                 <text>some text</text>                 </row>              </rowset>';    p(p_xml => l_xml,      p_table_name => 'foo'); end; / 

query table

select * foo 

alt text


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