asp classic - asp CDO.Message.1 error '80040213' The transport failed to connect to the server. /check.asp, line 25 -

cdo.message.1 error '80040213'  transport failed connect server.  /check.asp, line 25 

please solve problem

check code

<%@ language=vbscript %> <html> <head> </head> <body> <% dim to_field, message to_field = request.form("to_field") message = request.form("message") 'create e-mail server object set objcdosysmail = server.createobject("cdo.message") set objcdosyscon = server.createobject ("cdo.configuration") 'out going smtp server objcdosyscon.fields("") = "" objcdosyscon.fields("") = 25 objcdosyscon.fields("") = 2 objcdosyscon.fields("") = 60 objcdosyscon.fields.update 'update cdosys configuration set objcdosysmail.configuration = objcdosyscon objcdosysmail.from = "" ' address want email = ""  'the address mail sent objcdosysmail.subject = "subject goes here" objcdosysmail.htmlbody = "fffffffffff" objcdosysmail.send 'close server mail object set objcdosysmail = nothing set objcdosyscon = nothing %> <p>mail sent address <%=to_field%>!</p> </body> </html> 

you need add user name , password before sending. because used value of 2 in sendusing's field. means you're using authentication.

'your userid on smtp server' objcdosyscon.fields.item("") = "yourusername"  'your password on smtp server' objcdosyscon.fields.item("") = "yourpassword" 


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