mfmailcomposeviewcontroll - Mail comes Without Message content using MFMailComposeViewController in iPhone -

i have faced problems, when user sent mail. of time mail comes without message content(email body), user typed message content.the message content doesn't displayed times.(for 10 mail comes inbox, 2 or 3 messages comes without content in email body) please guide me why happening?

here code is,

    - (void)viewdidload {    [self displaycomposersheet];     }   -(void) displaycomposersheet   {        picker = [[mfmailcomposeviewcontroller alloc] init];     picker.mailcomposedelegate = self;     if ([mfmailcomposeviewcontroller cansendmail]) {     [picker settorecipients:[nsarray arraywithobjects:@"",nil]];     [picker setsubject:@"shoutouts"];    }        [self presentmodalviewcontroller:picker animated:yes];   } 

please me out.


i don't have straight answer, 2 hints:

a) why calling displaycomposersheet in viewdidload? i'd rather put viewwillappear, since view controller might loaded , in memory if used once again.

b) did try pre-filling mail body placeholder text see if being sent?


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