iphone - No RequestToken to Authorize -

i have created iphone application integration of soundcloudapi. when try run application getting following error message:

 error domain=soundcloudapierror code=2001 "the operation couldn't completed. (nsurlerrordomain error - 1012)" userinfo=0x13cbc0 {httperrorstatus=error domain=nsurlerrordomain code=-1012 "the operation couldn't completed. (nsurlerrordomain error - 1012.)" userinfo=0x137b90 {nserrorfailingurlkey=http://api.soundcloud.com/ oauth/access_token, nserrorfailingurlstringkey=http:// api.soundcloud.com/oauth/access_toekn, nsunderlyingerror=0x13b590 "the operation couldn't completed. (kcferrordomaincfnetwork error - 1012.)"}, nslocalizeddescription=the operation couldn't completed. (nsurlerrordomain error - 1012.)}  

any 1 please tell me how resolve it.


i have resolved problem.

issue is; did not entered callback url under "callback url (oauth 2 redirect uri)"

to enter this, follow below steps:

1. go http://soundcloud.com/you/apps/testapp/edit , click on "add info publication app gallery". 2. enter callback url under "callback url (oauth 2 redirect uri)"

deselect both checkboxes before saving, app doesn't published yet.


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