Oracle sub select query qith aggregation function -

    id  firstname   lastname  1   john        smith     2   mike        smith  3   ben         bray  4   john        bray  5   john        smith  6   bill        lynch  7   bill        smith  

hi there. i'm trying subselect query in oracle min , max functions, can't seem on right track. appreciated.

example: i'm looking in table carl brayland. if doesn't exist want first name before carl brayland give me id 3 -> ben bray

example2: i'm looking in table mike mad if doesn't exist want first name before mike mad give me id 6 -> bill lynch

last name should leading.

use rownum on sorted set (here :p_lastname := 'mad'; :p_firstname := 'mike';):

sql> my_data (   2     select 1 id, 'john' firstname, 'smith' lastname dual   3     union select 2, 'mike', 'smith' dual   4     union select 3, 'ben' , 'bray'  dual   5     union select 4, 'john', 'bray'  dual   6     union select 5, 'john', 'smith' dual   7     union select 6, 'bill', 'lynch' dual   8     union select 7, 'bill', 'smith' dual   9  )  10  select id, firstname, lastname  11    (select id, firstname, lastname  12             my_data  13            lastname <= :p_lastname  14              , (lastname < :p_lastname or firstname <= :p_firstname)  15            order lastname desc, firstname desc)  16   rownum = 1;          id firstname lastname ---------- --------- --------          6 bill      lynch 


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