satellite - Is there a way to use Google Maps to estimate empty lots in NYC? -

i came presentation manhattan borough president said having running record of empty lots in new york city important in regards available land potential green space or community gardens important. currently, these numbers derived volunteers on street count numbers of homeless. satellite imagery google maps , lots of brains, couldn't automated process? wouldn't accurate due lag in available satellite images, way better , easier people on street.

here's large empty lot on 46th street , 8th avenue.,-73.95844&sspn=0.001262,0.00284&ie=utf8&hq=&hnear=8th+ave+%26+w+47th+st,+new+york,+10036&ll=40.759899,-73.987089&spn=0.001262,0.00284&t=h&z=19

many lots (unlike 1 above) abandoned spaces owners don't care about.

i know bit unorthodox stackoverflow question figured throw out here.

you'd need decide constitutes empty lot , distinguishes visibly above. match against parcel data limit extent analysis , might have give index of how 'empty-lot-ish' parcel appears be. feeling give rough indicator (there variation) need on ground have look.

this isn't directly related, you'll need @ google terms of use, because not permitted download imagery further analysis. generally, can use within api or google earth, or when printed, clear google branding or unique google functionality included. analyse imagery have purchase or come agreement imagery provider. might worth looking @ openstreetmap open source ideas too.

perhaps better use use google maps coordinate volunteers - highlight potential areas of high number of empty lots, highlight correctly zoned areas against plans , provide volunteers place record findings , prevent duplication.


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