java - Hibernate Not Loading Postgresql bytea consistently -

i using hibernate 3.6 on 2 different boxes, both reading same database table. hibernate annotation 2 fields such:

@basic(fetch=fetchtype.eager) @column(name="encryptedkey",length = 256) protected byte[] encryptedkey;  @basic(fetch=fetchtype.eager) @column(name="encryptediv",length = 256) protected byte[] encryptediv; 

now, when loading entity properties on 1 machine (ubuntu linux sun jdk 1.6.0_22-b04), able load 256-byte encrypted keys , ivs.

however, not case on machine (windows 2003 server sp2 enterprise edition sun jvm 1.6.0_22-b04), have either 0 or 511 bytes loaded each field. otherwise, jar files on both systems same.

the database engine postgresql 9.0 , i'm using latest postgresql jdbc driver.

anyone has idea going wrong?

it turns out jre lib folder had posgresql 8.4 driver in it. deleting solved issue.


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