batch file - How to use the echo command after a set /p command -

i wanted make script work somehow, find after use

set /p variable= whater want here 

if use echo command after it, hidden or because wont come up...

@echo off  cls  color  :main  cls  echo.  echo.  echo =================================  echo. set /p var= name?  :: not show (starting here)  echo.  echo =================================  :: not show (ending here)  set /p answer= name %var%?  if %answer%== yes echo thats amazing name!  if %answer%== no goto main  

the part thats surrounded remarks doesnt want show reason... ideas?

if i'm understanding trying do, code need:

@echo off   cls   color   :main   cls   echo =================================   echo name?   echo =================================   set /p var= set /p answer= name %var%?   if %answer%== yes echo thats amazing name!   if %answer%== no goto main   pause 


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