actionscript 3 - How to load image in Action Script? -

how load image in action script ?

i have used following code image not loaded.`var ldr:loader = new loader();

 var url:string = "d:\blackberry\workspace\soundtest\blackberry-tablet-icon.png.bmp";   var urlreq:urlrequest = new urlrequest(url);   ldr.load(urlreq);   addchild(ldr);  stage.nativewindow.visible = true;` 

please ?

you need check errors loader gives:

ldr.contentloaderinfo.addeventlistener(ioerrorevent.io_error, onerror); ldr.contentloaderinfo.addeventlistener(httpstatusevent.http_status, onstatus);  function onerror(e:ioerrorevent):void{     trace(e); } function onstatus(e:httpstatusevent):void{     trace(e); } 

now can filter errors out , search on web specific arrow loader gives.

i guess security error. flash prevents load images outside domain(exception debug version in flash cs5)


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