wcf - What tools to use to generate service code from schemas (svcutil analogue), if they do not meet the DataContractSerializer requirements -

we working on soa, both on client (silverlight) , server (wcf) sides, possibility of clients being implemented 3rd parties (.net, java, etc.). use wsdl-first approach , want our data , services interface classes (c#) automatically generated schemas during build process. need common data classes code not being regenerated every service successful compilation.

i have tried svcutil utility, trying first create data contract classes xsds /datacontractonly switch, , compile them separate class library - the first stage. , create each service interface code, omitting classes in library, /reference switch - the second stage.

the problem our schemas not meet datacontractserializer requirements, svcutil cannot create data classes. after used xsd utility purpose, cannot use svcutil's /reference switch on second stage, since switch works datacontract classes. , not case classes generated xsd utility.

so, missing these tools , there way use them in situation, or there other tools generate data classes , service interfaces xsd , wsdl schemas, in case common data types used several service interfaces? or should hardly limit ourselves datacontract compatible schemas? approach use wsdl-first development?

have tried wcf.blue tool codeplex? wscf.blue toolset facilitates development of web services using contract first (specifically, schema first) approach. wcf version of orginal web services contract first tool.

also, there beautiful article on contract-first development: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/ee335699.aspx


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