Host a Delphi 7 application process in .net -

i'm trying host delphi 7 vcl application in .net wpf application. works great except modal dialogs not behave modal dialogs, parent window isn't disabled.
code far:

   class mysimpledelphihost : hwndhost    {       private process _appproc;       public intptr hwndhost;        protected override handleref buildwindowcore(handleref hwndparent)       {          _appproc = new process();          _appproc.startinfo.windowstyle = processwindowstyle.hidden;          _appproc.startinfo.filename = @"mysimpledelphiapplication.exe";          _appproc.start();          thread.sleep(1000);          hwndhost = win32api.findwindow("tmainform", null);          int oldstyle = win32api.getwindowlong(hwndhost, win32api.gwl_style);          win32api.setwindowlong(hwndhost, win32api.gwl_style, (oldstyle | win32api.ws_child) & ~win32api.ws_border);           win32api.setparent(hwndhost, hwndparent.handle);          win32api.showwindowasync(hwndhost, win32api.sw_showmaximized);           return new handleref(this, hwndhost);       }        protected override void destroywindowcore(handleref hwnd)       {          _appproc.kill();                }    } 

if host none delphi application works fine. ideas?

i created demo . sorry hosting site.

fwiw have tried setting:

form.modalpopupmode = pmexplicit; form.modalparent = parentform; form.showmodal; 

also don't have change tapplication in forms unit, do

var    oldwndproc: pointer;   function newwndproc(handle: hwnd; msg: uint; pw: wparam; pl: lparam): lresult stdcall;  begin   if msg = wm_enabled    begin      dowhatever();      result := 1; // handled   end else    result := callwindowproc(oldwndproc, handle, msg, pw, pl);  end;   initialization    oldwndproc := pointer(setwindowlong(application.handle, gwl_wndproc,       longint(@newwndproc)));  


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