android - How should I be using .setAdapter here? /How do i get around not extending ListActivity? -

i have class extending tabactivity can't extend listactivity.

this hasn't problem until needed use method:

private static int[] = {,, }; private void showbudgetoutcome(cursor cursor) { //set data binding  simplecursoradapter adapter = new simplecursoradapter( this, r.layout.itemsforbudgetlist, cursor, from, to); setlistadapter(adapter);  } 

obviously setlistadapter undefined. found snippet of code searching so

mlistview.setadapter(new arrayadapter<string>(this, r.layout.list_item, countries)); 

but don't understand parameters. tried altering suit me:

incomeview.setadapter(new simplecursoradapter<string>(this, r.layout.itemsforbudgetlist, adapter??)); 

i see mlistview users listview replaced that, , layout resource defining how each item in list looks guess. rest i'm not sure about. figure maybe want simple/cursoradapter since i'm working sqlite (see method)? have no idea countries meant , not sure data type need (presumably string know). if clear things me , tell me how use method above i'd greatful!

if want pull data database need subclass cursoradapter. can call:

incomeview.setadapter(new mycursoradapter(whatever arguments, need)); 


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