Dynamic jQuery Selectors, variable problem -

i'm trying make list of questions hidden answers shows upon click. code hides divs, when click on anchors, last box toggled. in case, every anchor toggles 5th box, , not own.

for(var i=1; i<6; i++){     var x = i+"";     $("#box"+ x).hide();     $("#feature"+x).click(function(){         $("#box"+x).toggle(400);     }); } 

my basic html looks this, 5 pairs:

<p><a id="feature1" href="#">1. absent message</a></p> <div id="box1">stuff here 1</div> <p><a id="feature2" href="#">2. alarm setting</a></p> <div id="box2">stuff here 2</div> 

if wrote out functions without using loop , string concatenation, functions want them to. can point me in right direction? doing wrong string manipulation?

your problem x shared between all copies of loop, in end it's 5, , $("#box"+x) $("#box5") when it's appending @ click time. easier way classes, this:

<p><a class="feature" href="#">1. absent message</a></p> <div class="box">stuff here 1</div> 

then find relatively, this:

$(".box").hide(); $(".feature").click(function() {   $(this).parent().next(".box").toggle(400); }); 

if that's not option, need provide necessary scope loop, this:

for(var i=1; i<6; i++){   (function(x) {     $("#box"+ x).hide();     $("#feature"+x).click(function(){       $("#box"+x).toggle(400);     });   })(i); } 

by doing we're passing i anonymous function, gets own copy called x, not shared variable scoped whatever function for loop in (which what's happening).


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