iphone - CCSpriteFrame warning..AnchorPoint won't work as expected.Regenerate the .plist? -

i have 3 simple images of hen trying animate(hen walking) using tutorial ray wenderlich


but getting warning again , again , no sprite shows on screen original width/height not found on ccspriteframe. anchorpoint won't work expected. regenerate .plist tried resizing , untrimming erro persists...i cannot figure out problem?? heres code

[[ccspriteframecache sharedspriteframecache] addspriteframeswithfile:@"hentry.plist"];              ccspritebatchnode *spritesheet = [ccspritebatchnode batchnodewithfile:@"hentry.png"];     [self addchild:spritesheet];      // load frames of our animation     nsmutablearray *walkanimframes = [nsmutablearray array];     for(int = 2; <= 3; ++i) {         [walkanimframes addobject:[[ccspriteframecache sharedspriteframecache] spriteframebyname:[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%d.png", i]]];     }     ccanimation *walkanim = [ccanimation animationwithframes:walkanimframes delay:0.1f];      // create sprite     cgsize winsize = [ccdirector shareddirector].winsize;     self.bear = [ccsprite spritewithspriteframename:@"2.png"];     _bear.position = ccp(winsize.width/2, winsize.height/2);     self.walkaction = [ccrepeatforever actionwithaction:[ccanimate actionwithanimation:walkanim restoreoriginalframe:no]];     [_bear runaction:_walkaction];     [spritesheet addchild:_bear]; 

go zwoptex menu, select references...
select sprite sheet tab change "coordinates format" cocos2d instead of zwoptex generic

alt text


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