optimization - Optimising a PHP If/Else statement -

i'm attempting optimise following php if/else statement. rewrite code make use case , switch, or should leave is, or what?


if(empty($_get['id'])){     include('pages/home.php'); }elseif ($_get['id'] === '13') {     include('pages/servicestatus.php'); }elseif(!empty($_get['id'])){     $rawdata = fetch_article($db->real_escape_string($_get['id']));     if(!$rawdata){         $title = "";         $meta['keywords'] = "";         $meta['description'] = "";     }else{         $title = stripslashes($rawdata['title']);         $meta['keywords'] = stripslashes($rawdata['htmlkeywords']);         $meta['description'] = stripslashes($rawdata['htmldesc']);         $subs = stripslashes($rawdata['subs']);         $pagecontent = "<article>" . stripslashes($rawdata['content']) . "</article>";     }     include("includes/header.php");     echo $pagecontent;     if(!$rawdata){         error_404();     } } 


i hate switch statements, personal preference honest. far further optimization i'd suggest taking @ form of assembly language. give general ideas on how make conditional statements more efficient. is, give different out on things.

if(!empty($_get['id']))      {      if($_get['id'] == '13')     {         include('pages/servicestatus.php');     }     else     {         $rawdata = fetch_article($db->real_escape_string($_get['id']));          if (!$rawdata) {              $title = "";             $meta['keywords'] = "";             $meta['description'] = "";         } else {              $title = stripslashes($rawdata['title']);             $meta['keywords'] = stripslashes($rawdata['htmlkeywords']);             $meta['description'] = stripslashes($rawdata['htmldesc']);             $subs = stripslashes($rawdata['subs']);             $pagecontent = "<article>" . stripslashes($rawdata['content']) . "</article>";         }          include("includes/header.php");         echo $pagecontent;         if (!$rawdata) {              error_404();         }     } }  else  {     include('pages/home.php'); } 


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