iPhone UIView animation -

grettings you...

i want paginate when user swipe on left or right side of uiview

i able detect swipes using uiswipegesturerecognizer.

now trying when user swiping want give slide animation.

currently have below code

[uiview beginanimations:nil context:nil]; [uiview setanimationtransition:uiviewanimationtransitionflipfromleft, forview:[self cardview] cache:yes]; [uiview setanimationcurve:uiviewanimationcurveeaseinout]; [uiview setanimationduration:0.5]; 

this gives me flip effect when swipe on view.

please provide me example or links try slide effect when swipe on view.

many thanks!

you're going want use uiscrollview, not straight uiview. has support swipes , paging. here's nice tutorial started. luck!


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