c# - Unhandled exception using FaultException<T> with WCF and WP7 App -

i consuming wcf service wp7 app. both in single vs solution. worked fine until tried pass faultexception.

when throwing faultexception wcf service, receive message "an unhandled exception of type 'system.servicemodel.faultexception`1' occurred in system.servicemodel.dll" on endinvoke in proxy. if hit continue, exception not bubble up. handler code never hit.

i believe have wired properly. i've seen plenty of examples, i've spent entire day scouring web issue. if stop throwing faultexception, application works fine.

in vs debug > exceptions dialog, have tried disabling faultexception , faultexception'1 under clr/system.servicemodel. have tried going tools > options, debuggung > general , turning off "enable exception assistant" , "enable code (managed only). none of these has enabled exception bubble calling method in app.

interface code --

[operationcontract] [faultcontract(typeof(notauthorizedexception))] list<myresult> getvalues(datetime begindate, datetime enddate); 

exception type --

[datacontract] public class notauthorizedexception {     [datamember]     public string message { get; set; } } 

server code throw exception --

throw new faultexception<notauthorizedexception>(     new notauthorizedexception(),     new faultreason("not authorized."),     new faultcode("sender")); 

client call wcf service --

try {     myserviceclient myservice = new myserviceclient();     myservice.getvaluescompleted += new eventhandler<getvaluescompletedeventargs>(myservice_getvaluescompleted);      myservice.getvaluesasync(datetime.now, datetime.now.addmonths(6)); } catch (faultexception<notauthorizedexception>) {     //handle error here } 

where breaks (in reference.cs) --

system.collections.objectmodel.observablecollection<namespace.myservice.myresult> _result = ((system.collections.objectmodel.observablecollection<namespace.myservice.myresult>)(base.endinvoke("getvalues", _args, result))); 

the proxy code unaltered code generated "add service reference" menu item.

it has simple, i'm not seeing it!

i believe should catch faultexception<notauthorizedexception> @ myservice_getvaluescompleted instead of doing now


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