iphone - How to share an array between two classes? -
i want array gets data 1 class avaliable me in class same data.
if declare array on applicationdelegate class.
declare object of applicationdelegate in both classes.
, assign array appdelegate.array 1 class, able array across classes?
i'm mike. leave app delegate out of it.
you're in control of when , how objects instantiated. if it's important more 1 class have access same data, hand off data, or means of getting @ data, create instances of dependent class.
an example, given classes wvparent , wvchild.
wvparent has property, somearray, array other objects need:
@interface wvparent : nsobject { nsarray *somearray } @property (nonatomic, retain) nsarray *somearray; @end
then have wvchild, has property called parentobject:
@class wvparent; @interface wvchild : nsobject { wvparent *parentobject; } @property (nonatomic, assign) wvparent *parentobject; @end
assuming parent creating child instance, you'd allocate , assign parent:
wvchild *child = [[wvchild alloc] init]; child.parentobject = self;
then child instance can access somearray by:
this 1 option. pass array child, assuming data static , unlikely change on course of application session.
this way, instead of having source of data living somewhere in app delegate, lives within class more appropriately responsible creation, maintenance , vending. if you've got class pops existence , can reach rest of app getting app delegate, might want put little more thought architecture.
more on dependency injection here:
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