java - What is empty session path in tomcat? -

i have read apache tomcat documentation day before, , confused emptysessionpath . knowledge, if it's set true, emptysessionpath stored @ root folder of web application. please give right definition of term emptysessionpath , happens if set true , false?

please guide me.thanks in advance.

the emptysessionpath field states whether cookie should stored in root url path / (if emptysessionpath=true) or not (otherwise).

this used apache's connector. see details here (this ajp connector, part of connnector object).

what means is:

if emptysessionpath enabled in tomcat, jsessionid cookie written root "/" path. means whatever webapp on use same cookie. each webapp re-write cookie's value hold webapp's session id, , different.

when enabled , servlets in different webapps used, requests same user different servlets end overwriting cookie when servlet again interacted create new session , loose session had set up.

if emptysessionpath not set, there multiple cookies in browser, 1 each webapp (none @ root), different webapps not re-writing each other's cookie above.

jsessionid id session webapp. see full explanation here.

update: information usage outdated - see here more up-to-date information on how set session path recent tomcat.


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