Can current Java/Tomcat 6 application utilize 64bit windows platform advantage in term of performance and memory usage -

currently have developed application using java 6 based on windows 32bit(dual core & 3g ram). if install 64bit windows os, perform better because of resources advantage having in 64bit(same os diff. bit)? 64bit machine having quad core processor , ram more 4g. different jvm between 32bit vs 64bit.

thank in advance feedback.

extra info

i doing security information event management sys.(siem) - log management. have 4 important parts ,

  • collector -to collect logs devices/system,
  • aggregator -to aggregate syslog meta data reporting,
  • real time monitoring-to display realtime analisys report/charts , dashboard must run every second
  • gui - struts2 apps. runs web gui, log analytics, backup , other things

so far resources cpu , memory used 1-collector, 2-realtime, 3-aggregator. right in 32bit, collector can recieved 2000logs per seconds. if more crash memory heap. used tanuki software auto restart collector service. use tanuki split memory usage , auto restart once detected memory heap.

our objective increase event per second 2000logs maximum if possible using 64bit advantages. gc let java handle automatically, more important can process more logs in 1 second without problem.

switching 64-bit jvm doesn't guarantee performance differences. will, see huge difference in amount of ram can allocated. on 32-bit windows, maximum amount of ram allocated heap maxed out @ around 1.6 gb.

if see lot of swapping application on 32-bit machine, switching 64-bit machine , adding sufficient ram improve performance. might able make design choices favor faster, more memory hungry algorithms such choices exist.

as of writing, not see significant difference between running app on 32-bit jvm , 64-bit jvm on exact same hardware. eventually, support 32-bit operating systems , jvms discontinued, that's different concern performance.

i recommend start out profiling app first see performance hot spots are.

it's common misconception 64-bit automatically means better performance 32-bit. see e.g. this jvm faq , this ms windows 7 faq.


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